When you make a financial contribution to the American Independence Museum, you support our mission AND our values of inclusiveness, discovery, and innovation, captured in our organizational theme, We Are One.
In 2024, we’ve expanded accessibility with new digital-assistance technology and celebrated history through vibrant community events, including the annual American Independence Festival. However, as stewards of the centuries-old Ladd-Gilman House and Folsom Tavern, we face critical preservation needs to ensure these landmarks endure for future generations.
With a goal of raising $100,000, your contribution will directly support this vital work and position AIM as a statewide leader as we prepare for America’s 250th anniversary. Together, we can safeguard our nation’s history and inspire a brighter, more inclusive future.
Contact Us
For any questions about donations or to discuss other ways to support the American Independence Museum, please reach out to us:
Phone: (603) 772-2622
Email: [email protected]
EIN: 22-3114603
Latest News
UNH Brewing Science Laboratory Headlines Final 2024 Beer for History
On Thursday, November 21, 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., the American Independence Museum (AIM) will host their final Beer of History of 2024, featuring beer brewed by UNH Brewing Science Laboratory.
AIM to Host Real Pirates Salem at Beer for History Event
On Thursday, November 7 at 6:00 p.m., the American Independence Museum (AIM) will welcome Real Pirates from Salem, Massachusetts to historic Folsom Tavern (1775) for a maritime-themed Beer for History event.
American Independence Museum to Offer “Spooky” Stroll
On Sunday, October 27, at 5:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m., the American Independence Museum (AIM) will offer a “spooky” walking tour, Exeter After Dark: Crime, Haunts, and Local Lore.
1 Governor's Ln.
Exeter, NH 03833
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1 Governor's Ln.
Exeter, NH 03833
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