African American Soldiers and Sailors of New Hampshire During the American Revolution

Folsom Tavern 164 Water Street, Exeter, NH, United States

One of the most interesting aspects of the American Revolution is the role played by African Americans in the fight for independence. Glenn Knoblock examines the history of African-American soldiers' service during the war, including how and why they enlisted, their interaction with white soldiers, service on the battlefields, how they were perceived by the enemy and the officers under whom they served, and their treatment after the war.

Tavern Talk: The First Amendment

Folsom Tavern 164 Water Street, Exeter, NH, United States

The First Amendment protects our most basic freedoms, none more important than freedom of speech. But what do we do about speech that threatens to destroy the social fabric? This presentation considers the constitutional arguments for and against hate speech codes. We'll explore what capacities citizens need to preserve freedom and the social fabric. Could it be that persuasion and deliberation might be better strategies for all of us?

Ghosts of Winter Street Cemetery Tours

The American Independence Museum invites you to join them at the Winter Street Cemetery to celebrate the waning light and autumn season.

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