American Independence Museum To Participate in NH Gives

American Independence Museum To Participate in NH Gives

A 24-hour giving challenge that takes place June 6 – June 7, NH Gives will involve hundreds of nonprofits, including the American Independence Museum (AIM), which will use the campaign to launch two initiatives.

“It’s a day that begins an agency-wide push to support our efforts to educate children and youth and better care for our historic structures,” explained AIM Executive Director Jennifer Carr.

These efforts, according to AIM’s Robert Levey, are part of the museum’s new three-year inclusivity and diversity theme, We Are One. Launched earlier in 2023, We Are One represents AIM’s organizational focus on developing programs, exhibits, and tour experiences that honor many perspectives, including those often marginalized in history.

We Are One is our belief that all perspectives and all voices matter,” he said. “NH Gives is a terrific opportunity for us to advance our education and preservation efforts, which fall under our We Are One theme.”

This emphasis on inclusivity, according to AIM’s Maddie Beihl, reflects her curatorial work at the museum, as she develops a new exhibit at the Ladd-Gilman House (c. 1721) that will open by early summer. As part of her work, she will meet with representatives of the Pennacook and Abenaki community, members of the Indigenous New Hampshire Collaborative Collective, and other community stakeholders.

“We cannot tell inclusive stories without the input of diverse stakeholders,” she said. “It is very important that we acknowledge the Indigenous heritage of the region and the specific impacts of Exeter’s colonial history on Pennacook and Abenaki independence.”

AIM’s fundraising goal for NH Gives is $20,000, a number Carr said is “desperately needed.” “We are a small museum with big ambitions,” she said. “We need to raise this money, or some of our plans this year will need to be adjusted.”

According to Levey, corporate support has already played a big role in helping AIM advance as an organization. “Service Credit Union and Kennebunk Savings are two organizations that have recently come on board to support our vision,” he said. “We hope their support and NH Gives can serve as a rallying cry behind the need for all of us as a society to come together…We are all unique in some way, but we are also one nation. Our differences can serve as our strength.”

Click here to learn more about AIM’s NH Gives campaign.

About American Independence Museum

Located in Exeter, NH, the American Independence Museum features a rare collection of historic artifacts that shed light on the Revolutionary War. Examples of popular items in our exhibits include a dragoon pistol, brown bess musket, and 18th century powder horn. Many of our programs offer insight into civic duties, civic engagement and civic responsibility, while we also feature a variety of things to do in NH, such as camps for kids, festivals, summer festival, reenactments, and homeschool programs. Perfect for a day trip or weekend trips, we believe in inclusivity and inclusive history and the spirit behind the phrase, ‘we the people’.

Grant from The Eppes-Jefferson Foundation Puts New Roof on Folsom Tavern

Grant from The Eppes-Jefferson Foundation Puts New Roof on Folsom Tavern

A $30,000 grant from The Eppes-Jefferson Foundation has enabled the American Independence Museum (AIM) to replace the roof on Folsom Tavern (1775).

The award could not have come at a better time, according to AIM Executive Director Jennifer Carr. “Water was beginning to damage clapboard siding, wood trim around doors, and the attic,” she said .

According to David Ward, co-executive director of The Eppes-Jefferson Foundation with his wife Sharon, the project resonated with their philanthropic objectives, especially after they visited the property. “When we visited and talked with Jennifer, we really sensed her authenticity and the credibility of the American Independence Museum—it struck us both,” he explained.

Sharon said the project also reflected an area of interest of William D. Eppes for whom the foundation was named. Born in 1918, Eppes formed the private foundation to support the arts, historical preservation, and education. “We generally like to fund projects that check two of those boxes,” she said.

Expressing appreciation for AIM’s broader mission to tell inclusive stories through its recently launched We Are One initiative, David said The Eppes-Jefferson Foundation is interested in helping others tell their stories, too.

“One of the programs we are trying to get off the ground is Looking Forward, Looking Back,” he explained. “It’s a program basically designed to get people to preserve their family stories.”

He said their hope is to launch the program by hosting workshops in which participants will learn basic skills in how to tell their life stories. “People can choose their format—whether it be a legacy letter, brief story, or spoken word recording,” he added. “We are excited about this program.”

Carr said she is also excited about Looking Forward, Looking Back, as she cited storytelling as fundamental to the human experience, an idea she said they will increasingly explore at AIM. “Everyone has a story to tell and everyone’s story matters,” she said. “We appreciate being part of Mr. Eppes’s story and that of his foundation.”

Home to a world-class collection of 3,000 historic artifacts, AIM develops programs, events, and exhibits that honor and invite inclusive and diverse perspectives. In 2023, guided tours of Folsom Tavern and the Ladd-Gilman House take place Wednesday through Saturday at varying times.

About American Independence Museum

Located in Exeter, NH, the American Independence Museum features a rare collection of historic artifacts that shed light on the Revolutionary War. Examples of popular items in our exhibits include a dragoon pistol, brown bess musket, and 18th century powder horn. Many of our programs offer insight into civic duties, civic engagement and civic responsibility, while we also feature a variety of things to do in NH, such as camps for kids, festivals, summer festival, reenactments, and homeschool programs. Perfect for a day trip or weekend trips, we believe in inclusivity and inclusive history and the spirit behind the phrase, ‘we the people’.

Kids Invited to ‘MiniCamp’ at AIM This Summer

Kids Invited to ‘MiniCamp’ at AIM This Summer

This summer, kids (ages 7 – 11) will have the chance to immerse themselves in hands-on 18th century life at four MiniCamps at the American Independence Museum (AIM).

At each MiniCamp, which takes place on a Thursday in July, campers will dress in colonial clothing, participate in games and activities, create projects, and enjoy colonial-inspired snacks. “These camps are meant to be fun with history mixed in, too,” said AIM’s Sarah Jaworski, who developed the MiniCamps. “We can’t wait to have our first camp.”

Taking place on Thursday, July 6, AIM’s first MiniCamp, Daily Life, will show kids what life was like living in the shadow of the Revolution. In Land Connection on Thursday, July 13, kids will discover why Exeter was settled, how nearby Squamscott River provided jobs and food, and the impact of the changing seasons on food and daily habits.

In Protest and Engagement on Thursday, July 20, kids will learn how ‘The People’ have the power to make change and keep the nation strong. In Taking Sides, Patriot or Loyalist on Thursday, July 27, kids will learn what it meant to be a patriot and loyalist and how the choice to be one or the other was often very complicated.

Event Details

Kids with Sarah


In We Are One MiniCamps, campers will immerse themselves in hands-on 18th century life, uncovering the stories of the people who helped build our nation and how they can continue to be a part of America’s unfolding story. Each week, campers will dress in colonial clothing, participate in games and activities, create projects and eat a colonial-inspired snack. Enlist for one, two, three, or all four sessions!

Daily Life

Thursday, July 6, 9 am to 3 pm

Everyday people, laborers, farmers, housewives, and even children all were deeply affected by the war and contributed to the cause. Carry out daily chores (hauling water and wood, tending the garden, cooking, etc.) and discover what life was like living in the shadow of the Revolution.

Non-members – $55 per day or $195 for all four
Members – $45 per day or $170 for all four

Land Connection

Thursday, July 13, 9 am to 3 pm

Winter, summer, inland or by the coast- where you lived and the season played a role in daily life during the 18th century. Discover why Exeter was settled (the river), how the River provided jobs and food, and how the seasons affected food and daily habits. Work in the garden, prepare seasonal food and preserve food for the winter, forage for seasonal food and learn about how the river served as a highway, transporting goods and people for thousands of years.

Non-members – $55 per day or $195 for all four
Members – $45 per day or $170 for all four

Protest and Engagement

Thursday, July 20, 9 am to 3 pm

Everyone living in the colonies was deeply affected by the war and contributed to the cause. Uncover their stories and how it is the People, including us, who have the power to make change and keep our nation strong. Dress in colonial clothes, create your own ‘printing press’, make liberty tea, and learn ways you can make change in your community.

Non-members – $55 per day or $195 for all four
Members – $45 per day or $170 for all four

Taking Sides, Patriot or Loyalist

Thursday, July 27, 9 am to 3 pm
Patriot, loyalists, neutral or something else? It wasn’t always easy to know what side to be on. Wrestle with the tricky decision of deciding your stance. Participate in a trial of your neighbors on the opposite side as you, decide if you would have taken the Oath of Allegiance to the Patriotic cause.

Non-members – $55 per day or $195 for all four
Members – $45 per day or $170 for all four

About American Independence Museum

Located in Exeter, NH, the American Independence Museum features a rare collection of historic artifacts that shed light on the Revolutionary War. Examples of popular items in our exhibits include a dragoon pistol, brown bess musket, and 18th century powder horn. Many of our programs offer insight into civic duties, civic engagement and civic responsibility, while we also feature a variety of things to do in NH, such as camps for kids, festivals, summer festival, reenactments, and homeschool programs. Perfect for a day trip or weekend trips, we believe in inclusivity and inclusive history and the spirit behind the phrase, ‘we the people’.

American Independence Museum To Host Escape Room Adventure

American Independence Museum To Host Escape Room Adventure

On Saturday, May 20 and Friday, June 2, visitors of all ages will have the opportunity to see if they can escape historic Folsom Tavern (1775) at the American Independence Museum (AIM).

At the event, “Trouble in the Tavern: An Escape Room Adventure,” participants must work together to decipher clues and solve puzzles within 30-minutes. “They may even learn a little history,” said AIM’s Alena Shellenbean, who developed the program. “We are excited to welcome people of all ages to our campus for a fun time.”

The event, according to AIM Executive Director Jennifer Carr, is part of the museum’s Building Community initiative within its 3-year theme, We Are One. “This Escape Room Adventure is one response to our rhetorical question, ‘How do we bring the community together?’” she said.

Built in 1775, Folsom Tavern is host to special programs and events. Visitors may also take guided tours of Folsom Tavern, 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m., Wednesday – Saturday. On these tours, visitors will learn the unique role of taverns in colonial and revolutionary history.

“Trouble in the Tavern: An Escape Room Adventure” will take place from 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, May 20 and 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Friday, June 2. Tickets range from $12 to $25 with 10% off for members.

Event Details

two women examine historical items in the tavern

Date: May 20, 2023
Time: 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Location: Folsom Tavern, 164 Water St., Exeter, NH
Cost: $25 adults, $12 children, Members get a 10% discount
Capacity: 8 people per timeslot

Trouble in the Tavern: An Escape Room Adventure

Heart pumping history is coming to Folsom Tavern. This spring, AIM is introducing a new activity: “Trouble in the Tavern: An Escape Room Adventure.” Participants must work together to decipher clues, solve puzzles, and even learn a little history. Groups of up to 8 people are in for an hour of fun with some  learning thrown in. Preregistration is highly encouraged.

Trouble in the Tavern takes place during TEAM (Town, Exeter, Arts, Music) spring Arts and Music fest. Please enjoy some live music, vendors, and artists, and then spend a delightful time in Historic Folsom Tavern with friends.

two women examine historical items in the tavern

Date: June 2, 2023
Time: 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Location: Folsom Tavern, 164 Water St., Exeter, NH
Cost: $25 adults, $12 children, Members get a 10% discount
Capacity: 8 people per timeslot

Trouble in the Tavern: An Escape Room Adventure

Heart pumping history is coming to Folsom Tavern. This spring, AIM is introducing a new activity: “Trouble in the Tavern: An Escape Room Adventure.” Participants must work together to decipher clues, solve puzzles, and even learn a little history. Groups of up to 8 people are in for an hour of fun with some learning thrown in. Preregistration is highly encouraged.

About American Independence Museum

Located in Exeter, NH, the American Independence Museum features a rare collection of historic artifacts that shed light on the Revolutionary War. Examples of popular items in our exhibits include a dragoon pistol, brown bess musket, and 18th century powder horn. Many of our programs offer insight into civic duties, civic engagement and civic responsibility, while we also feature a variety of things to do in NH, such as camps for kids, festivals, summer festival, reenactments, and homeschool programs. Perfect for a day trip or weekend trips, we believe in inclusivity and inclusive history and the spirit behind the phrase, ‘we the people’.

American Independence Museum To Form Creative Aging Advisory Group

American Independence Museum To Form Creative Aging Advisory Group

Serving the cultural needs of older adults has been a longstanding priority at the American Independence Museum (AIM), which recently announced its intent to form a Creative Aging Advisory Group. Made possible by a grant from Eventide Foundation, the group will first meet on Tuesday, May 16 at 6:00 p.m. at Exeter Public Library.

“The purpose behind the group is to provide older adults with an active voice in what we offer them,” said Sarah Jaworski, Program Manager at AIM. “The best way to serve older adults is to invite them to become involved.”

AIM Executive Director Jennifer Carr agreed and said she is thrilled to have the support of Eventide Foundation behind the museum’s initiative, ‘Engage Older Adults.’ “This initiative is part of our We Are One theme, which emphasizes the importance of inclusivity and diversity in what we offer the public and how we offer it,” she said. “I’m thrilled we have this opportunity to meaningfully engage older adults in the greater Seacoast area.”

Regarding expectations for participation, Jaworski said she envisions the group may meet every few months and as needed. She said the hope is that AIM can take suggestions from the group and use them to help develop programming and visitor experiences that meet the needs of older adults.

“What we can’t do is assume we know what older adults need and want,” she said. “We want to do more for our older guests from near and far, so this is a terrific first step.”

Currently, AIM offers a variety of programs geared toward older adults, including Traveling Trunk for Older Adults, which provides interactive learning experiences about civic engagement and everyday life during the American Revolution. The trunk often supplements adult education classes at senior centers, 55+ communities, assisted living facilities, nursing homes, and continuing care retirement communities.

To join, sponsor, or learn more about AIM’s Creative Aging Advisory Group, contact Jaworski at [email protected].

About American Independence Museum

Located in Exeter, NH, the American Independence Museum features a rare collection of historic artifacts that shed light on the Revolutionary War. Examples of popular items in our exhibits include a dragoon pistol, brown bess musket, and 18th century powder horn. Many of our programs offer insight into civic duties, civic engagement and civic responsibility, while we also feature a variety of things to do in NH, such as camps for kids, festivals, summer festival, reenactments, and homeschool programs. Perfect for a day trip or weekend trips, we believe in inclusivity and inclusive history and the spirit behind the phrase, ‘we the people’.

American Independence Museum To Open Wednesday, May 3

American Independence Museum To Open Wednesday, May 3

On Wednesday, May 3, the American Independence Museum (AIM) will open its doors for 2023, a season in which visitors will be introduced to the museum’s new three-year inclusivity and diversity theme, We Are One. Launched earlier in 2023, We Are One represents AIM’s organizational focus on developing programs, exhibits, and tour experiences that honor many perspectives, including those often marginalized in history.

This emphasis on inclusivity, according to Curator Maddie Beihl, guides her work in developing a new exhibit at the Ladd-Gilman House (c. 1721) that will open by early summer. “We want to acknowledge the Indigenous heritage of the region and the specific impacts of Exeter’s colonial history on Pennacook and Abenaki independence,” she explained.

As part of her work, Beihl will meet with representatives of the Pennacook and Abenaki community, members of the Indigenous New Hampshire Collaborative Collective, and other community stakeholders. One topic of discussion will be the significance of the land upon which AIM is located.

“We will work together to determine the best way to acknowledge the loss of traditional Indigenous lifeways as a result of the colonial use of this site,” she said. “We will also restore a portion of AIM’s land to support native plants and wildlife of special significance to the Indigenous community.”

According to AIM Executive Director Jennifer Carr, tours at the museum this season will also begin to reveal new insights into its collection through diverse perspectives with more significant changes to come in 2024.

“This is a process that will involve many stakeholders,” she said. “We look forward to welcoming visitors from near and far to experience our interpretation of New Hampshire’s Colonial history through fresh and unexpected perspectives.”

In 2023, guided tours of the Ladd-Gilman House take place Wednesday through Saturday at 10:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m., 2:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m., with self-guided tours available anytime between 10:00 am and 3:30 pm. Guided tours of Folsom Tavern (1775) take place, Wednesday through Saturday, at 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.

About American Independence Museum

Located in Exeter, NH, the American Independence Museum features a rare collection of historic artifacts that shed light on the Revolutionary War. Examples of popular items in our exhibits include a dragoon pistol, brown bess musket, and 18th century powder horn. Many of our programs offer insight into civic duties, civic engagement and civic responsibility, while we also feature a variety of things to do in NH, such as camps for kids, festivals, summer festival, reenactments, and homeschool programs. Perfect for a day trip or weekend trips, we believe in inclusivity and inclusive history and the spirit behind the phrase, ‘we the people’.

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