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On Saturday, July 13, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., visitors to the American Independence Festival will be transported back almost 250 years to the brink of the American Revolution.

One highlight of the Festival will be special exhibits, highlighted by a temporary exhibition featuring weaponry of the Revolution. “The exhibit will explore antique arms from this period, including a high-speed video of the arms firing, and the history behind a French shipment of muskets that came into Portsmouth in 1777,” said Ashley Hlebinsky.

Nationally known Arms Historian, Hlebinsky designed the exhibit and will serve as AIM consultant through 2024. “I’m excited to be part of AIM and the Festival,” she added.

At the Festival, hosted by the American Independence Museum (AIM), visitors will also have the opportunity to experience AIM’s new educational garden, an interactive exhibit-in-the-making.

“It will provide people with an opportunity to see changes in agricultural practices and the ways in which plants were used by peoples over the centuries,” said Jennifer Carr, who designed the exhibit. “It will bring that history to life by allowing guests to touch and taste the products of the garden.”

This year’s Festival is presented by Service Credit Union, whose support enables AIM to offer free admission. “Led by Service Credit Union, the Festival is a big celebration with many community partners,” said Dr. Robert Levey, AIM’s Interim Executive Director. “Downtown Exeter has a unique charm that is difficult to match.”

Additional support is provided by New Hampshire State Council on the Arts, which presents a Traditional Artisans Village with demonstrations, and Kennebunk Savings.

In addition to special exhibits and Traditional Artisans Village, the Festival features reenactors and soldiers, games, vendor marketplace, beer garden, and a display of an original copy of the Declaration of Independence (Broadside). At adjoining Swasey Parkway, nonprofit TEAM (Town.Exeter.Arts.Music) will host Independence Fest, which features live music, food, and art.

“On July 13, we bring history to life here in Exeter, New Hampshire,” added Levey. “It will be educational, experiential, and a lot of fun.”

About American Independence Museum

Located in Exeter, NH, the American Independence Museum features a rare collection of historic artifacts that shed light on the Revolutionary War. Examples of popular items in our exhibits include a dragoon pistol, brown bess musket, and 18th century powder horn. Many of our programs offer insight into civic duties, civic engagement and civic responsibility, while we also feature a variety of things to do in NH, such as camps for kids, festivals, summer festival, reenactments, and homeschool programs. Perfect for a day trip or weekend trips, we believe in inclusivity and inclusive history and the spirit behind the phrase, ‘we the people’.

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